Revolutionary War Patriots
At Rest in Washington County, Ohio
The Marietta Chapter Sons of the American Revolution was chartered in 2005. One of our first projects was to learn about the Patriots of the American Revolution who were the pioneer settlers of Washington County. After ten years of research and assistance from many who came before us, we have produced a list of 292 Patriots who served our Country during the American Revolution and their final resting spot is Washington County Ohio.
A special thanks must be given to the Marietta Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution, Beverly Schumacher of the Nabby Lee Ames Chapter DAR, the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Ohio Genealogical Society, Ernie Thode and Catherine Sams at the Washington County Public Library History & Genealogy, Linda Showalter at the Marietta College Special Collections, the Ebenezer Zane Chapter SAR, and the National Society Sons of the American Revolution.
The mission of our chapter is to perpetuate the people and events of the American Revolution, promote patriotism, and preserve the ideals of freedom. We conduct Revolutionary War grave restoration projects, document these graves (Graves Registration Committee) and conduct ceremonies related to the patriots who supported American's struggle for Independence at home and on the battlefield, as well as the pioneers who settled of the Northwest Territory.
Respectfully submitted May 14, 2015
Jean Yost, Registrar and Past President, Marietta Chapter SAR
Scott Britton, Marietta Chapter SAR Historian
Robert Allison
Simon Archer
Elijah Backus
James Bailey
Jesse Ballard
Ebenezer Battelle
Daniel Bent
Silas Bent
Samuel Bigford
John Bivins
Robert Bradford
Zadock Briggs
John Broome
Hendricks Brower
Benjamin Brown
John Brown
Samuel Brown
Edy Burch
George Carroll
Hugh Carroll
Jonathan Chamberlin (no record)
Joseph Chandler
Zebulon Chandler
Levi Chapman
Samuel Chapman
Asa Cheadle
Isaac Childs
Caleb Clapp
Daniel Clay
George Cline
Aaron Clough
Eli Cogswell
Benjamin Converse
Joseph Cook
Thomas Corey
Joseph Corns
Daniel Curtis
Eleazer Curtis
John Curtis
Nathaniel Cushing
Gould Davenport
Daniel Davis
Dudley Davis
Nehemiah Davis
William Davis
Jonathan De Long
Cornelius Delano
Simon Deming
Andrew Dennis
Michael Devin
Thomas Dickinson
John Dodge
Nathaniel Dodge
Oliver Dodge
William Dolan
Matthew Dorr, Sr.
Chandler Dowd
William Dunbar
Daniel Dunham
James Dutton
John Dye
Peaslee Eastman
Abraham Eckerson
Benjamin Ellenwood
Ephraim Ellis
Ephraim Emerson
Nathan Evans
Ambrose Everts
John Faris
William Faris
Noah Fearing
Silas Fearing
Daniel Fisher
Sherebiah Fletcher
John Floyd
William Ford
Ephraim Foster
Peregrine Foster
Henry Franks
William French
Ephraim Frost
Joseph Frye
Solomon Fuller
Matthew Garland
David Gates
Timothy Gates
Joseph Gilman
James Lawrence Glaze
James Glover
Stephen Goble
Benoni Goldsmith
Nathaniel Goodale
Simeon Goodwin
John Gossett
William Gray
Duty Green
John Green
Jeremiah Greenman
Jeremiah Greenway
John Hair
Joseph Harmar
Jonathan Hart
Elnathan Haskell
Jonathan Haskell
Moses Haskell
Cornelius Haskins
James Hatch
Thomas Hawkins
Benajah Hays
Henry Hayward
Benjamin Heywood
Ira Hill
John Hill
William Hill
Nathaniel Hinkley
John Hobby
John Holden
Levi Holdren
Cornelius Hoskins
William Hovey
Peter Howe
Benoni Hurlburt
Rufus Inman
Thomas Jett
James Johnston
Henry Jolly
John Kelly
Matthew Kerr
Zebulon King
George Kline
James Knowles
Philip Koon
Levi Langdon
John Leavens
Benoni Lewis
Joseph Lincoln
John Liske
Daniel Loring
William Mason
James McClure
William McGee
John McNeil
William Medley
Henry Middleswart
Benjamin Miles
Nathaniel Mitchell
Daniel Morley
Daniel Mosier
Isaac Moss
Josiah Munro
Frederick Nantz
John Nestler
Elias Newton
Ebenezer Nye
Ichabod Nye
Gilbert Olds
Alexander Oliver
Robert Oliver
James Owen
Abraham Paine
Benjamin Paine
Samuel Parsons
Ebenezer Pierce
John Place
William Plummer
Stanton Prentiss
Henry Rardin
John Rardin
Benjamin Raysor
David Read
Nathan Rice
Oliver Rice
James Riggs
Joseph Rogers
Elijah Rood
John Rouse
Nathaniel Saltonstall
Leslie Scammel
Mark Scott
Abraham Seevers
Johann Michael Seifert
Spencer Sharp
Benjamin Shaw
Peter Shaw
Enoch Shepherd
Abel Sherman
Ezra Sherman
Joseph Simons
Nicholas Smith
David Smiyh
Anthony Spacht
Noah Sparhawk
Jacob Springer
William Stacy, Jr.
Moses Stephens
Peter Stephenson
Israel Stone
Jonathan Stone
Richard Talbot
Robert Taylor
Jeremiah Thomas
Jonathan Thomas
Joseph Thompson
Solomon Tice
Joseph Trible
William Tucker
Anselm Tupper
Benjamin Tupper
John Turner
John Waterman
Andrew Webster
Thomas Wells
Haffield White
Thomas Wells White
Ephraim Wight, Jr.
Isaac Wilson
George Wolf (no record)
Jacob Young
Data above current as of 10/24/2023
To research any of the above patriots that
don't have a hyperlink use:
SAR's Patriot Research System database
DAR's Revolutionary Era Ancestors database